THS - Mr. Kaminski

Wolfram Alpha - Enter your math question/calculation and Wolfram|Alpha uses its built-in algorithms and a growing collection of data to compute the answer. 

Khan Academy - A collection of thousands of videos pertaining to many different mathematical topics. Scroll down and find the lesson that you want to learn about, or scroll to the "Worked Problems" section to see a problem done out for you. 

Patrick: Just Math Tutorials - Tons of free videos, pertaining to many mathematical topics. Search for the topic that you are covering, and watch the videos to see examples done for you, complete with explanations.

Manga High - Improve your math abilities through the use of interactive tests, quizzes, and games. Manga High complies with U.S. Core Standards of Mathematics and offers exam-oriented revision and training in order to achieve measurable performance improvement. USER ID: THS-Kaminski  PASSWORD: thskaminski 

Watch Know - A collection of thousands of educational videos and manipulatives from across the internet. Select "Mathematics" from the list on the left, and then choose the appropriate category from the drop-down menu. 


Algebra and/or Precalculus Links 

Paul's Online Math Notes - Notes, examples, explanations, and “cheat sheets” for Algebra and Trigonometry. 

West Texas A&M - Math Lab - Helpful Algebra resources and explanations. Choose between College, Intermediate, and Beginning Algebra. 

Prentice Hall Video Tutor - These are video lessons from a different Algebra 2 book, so the chapter numbers might not match up with ours. Search for the lesson that you need, and watch the video. 

Math Ops - Free, online Algebra lessons. It is like having your own private math tutor, but with interactive lessons you access whenever you are ready. It contains online quizzes, over 190 lessons that read aloud to you, and videos with high school students demonstrating/explaining the math. 

Hippo Campus - Online Algebra "classes," complete with audio, video, and interactive components. Find the lesson that you want from Algebra IA, Algebra IB, or Elementary Algebra. (Search all three to find what you want) 

Brightstorm - Videos of explanations of different Algebra topics, complete with practice problems. Most of the videos are free, some might require registration (which is also free). 

Math TV - Videos of different Algebra and Trigonometry topics. You may need to subscribe (it's free) in order to see some videos. 

The Math Page - Notes, examples, and explanations for Algebra and Trigonometry. Select "Skill in Algebra" or "Topics in Trigonometry" 

NY Regents Prep - Helpful resources for Algebra, along with practice tests. 

S.O.S. Math - Browse more than 2,500 Math pages filled with short and easy-to-understand explanations for Algebra. Follow the link to CyberExams, and take many multiple choice quizzes. 


Geometry Links 

Prentice Hall Video Tutor - These are video lessons for our Geometry book. Search for the lesson that you need, and watch the video. 

Key Curriculum Press - Interactive explanations, as well as condensed lessons in PDF format. Click on each chapter on the left, and then choose either Dynamic Explorations, Condensed Lessons, or Practice Your Skills. Unfortunately, there is no outline that describes what topics are covered in each chapter. 

InterAct Math - Checkpoint "quizzes" for all Geometry topics. Select "*Prentice Hall Geometry 2011" from the drop-down menu. Then, select the chapter and section that you need. 

Glencoe Geometry - These are resources from a different Geometry book. Not all of the chapters line up with ours, but you can find what you're looking for, by clicking around. Everything is accessible, except for the online textbook. 

Brightstorm - Videos of explanations of different Geometry topics, complete with practice problems. Most of the videos are free, some might require registration (which is also free). 

NY Regents Prep - Helpful resources for Polygons, Triangles, Proofs, Circles, Patterns, Measurement, Coordinate Geometry, Shapes, Area, and Volume, along with practice tests. - Geometry - Explanations and diagrams for many of the topics covered in Geometry. 


Texas Instruments - Graphing Calculator Support 


Online Graphing Calculators 


Printable Graph Paper 


Study Tips 








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